Books Frontpage Optical guidance systems for architectural lighting design
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  • Pages: 240
  • Format: 24x17x0,70 cm
  • Edition Date: 2021
  • Edition: 11052021
  • Language: Inglés.
  • Binding: Tapa blanda o Bolsillo - Con solapas.
  • Weight: 0,314 kg.
  • Optical guidance systems for architectural lighting design

  • 9788466937115
  • Authors: Victor Echarri Iribarren, Berta García Fernández, Daniel Vázquez-Moliní, Antonio álvarez Fernández-Balbuena, Joaquín Solbes Llorca

  • The increasing consideration of research and technological development in fields such as energy and new advanced materials, along with the environment and health creates great interest regarding the integration of natural lighting in the architecture. This book covers a wide range of study of techniques and design analysis of optical guide systems for architectural lighting design providing a quantitative estimation of the in?uence of numerous factors that a?ect the transport of light in hollow light guides in order to contribute to the prediction of performance. Furthermore, it is presented a detailed analysis of guided of light in optical systems such as hollow prismatic guides together with the development of new mathematical models and methodologies that facilitate the prediction of transported luminous flux and efficiency of systems.
  • 31,88 USD

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